
Here you can find all the published articles (still migrating some from Medium. Including your weekly dose of OSINT news published every Monday at 8:00 AM CEST!
Another episode with some interesting articles, tools, search engines and of course the ever-present Monday Morning Meme!

It has been quite some time that I actually tested a tool in a custom VM, but this week I simply had to give the new Telegram a go. I love this tool a lot, especially since it...

Phishing, sock puppets, virtualization and more on this Easter Monday episode of Week in OSINT!

I start off with something different for once, namely about the way that malicious code, like phishing kits, are being offerend online. An article by Kaspersky clearly shows what a big part Telegram pla...

Another episode with tips and tricks on TikTok and Telegram, and some news on different building databases.

I've been going over some websites, while preparing a workshop, and found out that the online world of building databases have changed. Just like social media, once in a while sites disappea...

Another Monday filled with OSINT news on phishing, human rights violations, sock puppets and more!

I was finishing up my newsletter early this morning, but of course I ran into a phishing campaign and had to tweet something about that. It's almost time to take a little break again, so next week...

Are you in for a treat? Looking for content that hasn't been retweeted last week, or have been shared much by the community? Well, I've got you covered this week!

Last week I've been browsing around a bit and was able to find some interesting articles, sites and tips. And the cool thing is, I lear...

Welcome to the Monday and to another episode of OSINT related content. From real world applications of geolocation to new tools to map IP addresses, it's time again to share some links in Week in #OSINT!

Another week gone, and so many interesting things were shared again. This time I actually rece...

Welcome to another weekly dose of OSINT goodness that I've prepared for you! This week I'll have something interesting for everyone.

From social media to sock accounts, and from information to imagery, anything can be found in my weekly newsletter. And this week is no different. Because I've got y...

From deep fakes to threat intel, here is another week with a new bunch of links from the world of OSINT.

Sadly enough I haven't been able to test out every tool this week, especially the threat intel tool looks very interesting to me. I've always worked in IT and the field of IT security will alwa...